Friday, January 2, 2009

16 Random Things

This went around on facebook as a chain letter type thing (about four friends "requested" that I do it, so I finally did), but for those of you who have better things to do than keep up a facebook page, I decided to post it here as well. It's as it's titled: random. But a quicker read than that 100 Questions post. So, with no further ado, for your amusement and education, here are sixteen completely random things you'll wish you never bothered to take the time to read about me. :-)

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1. I hate chain letters. :-)

2. I used to be of the opinion that black didn't count as a color and didn't like it. Now probably one third of my wardrobe is black and I think it's classy.

3. My style icons are Jackie Onassis, Audrey Hepburn, and the like.

4. My pets over the years have consisted of a black and white cat (Zeba), a rabbit (Tinkerbell [no, I'm not a fan of Tinkerbell, I was young and don't know what I was thinking]), a goldfish, a beta fish, a dove, and a Shetland Sheepdog (Frisky). In that order. Though, the cat was the first and managed to outlive them all. I currently have no pets of my own.

5. I used to think it was impossible and useless to make shoes "cute". I currently own at least four pairs mainly because they are cute.

6. I am a proud aunt and mother though my niece, nephews, and daughters have no blood relation.

7. I only had to have three wisdom teeth removed. The fourth was simply non-existent. (These are supposed to be random, right?!)

8. I chose to never attend a church high school youth group, though I'm now a leader in one.

9. My hair was practically black as a baby.

10. I hope to play the bass guitar one day.

11. I play violin. Not fiddle.

12. I've never eaten a Twinkie... and hope never to falsify that statement.

13. As a preteen, I wanted to be called by my middle name, Frances (after my grandmother). I'm now quite content with my first name.

14. I prefer my full name, Valerie. Only a few people can get away with calling me Val. Other nicknames include Valerina and/or Ballerina, Valgal, Larry, and Tea Snob. There's more, I just won't bore you with them.

15. My favorite composers are Bach and Mozart.

16. I'm the second born child out of five and am now second to shortest. Only my younger brother with downs syndrome is shorter than me.

1 comment:

  1. I'm trying to imagine you as a Frances with black hair.

    It's not coming to me.
