Yes, if you don't have a facebook, you are missing out on a world of fun and interesting tidbits. But not to worry. I have taken it upon myself to enlighten you. :-) This is pretty much the same idea as the 16 random things, but with 25 things instead. It ends up spreading around facebook because people fill it out, "tag" 25 friends in it, and if you get tagged, you're supposed to fill it out. It ends up spreading like a cold. I ended up really bored last night and finally did it for the amusement of my friends that kept tagging me. That's my reasoning, my excuse, now whether or not you waste your time reading it, is up to you. :-)
Do you really need to read the rules again??? Hasn't everyone already read them at least thirty times.......
Yeah, I just took them out. Ha. Now, just because they're not here for you to look at, when you try to do this, you'll forget what all your supposed to do! Hahahaha!
*Side note to the people I tag: If you haven't done it, I really don't care if you do this or not. It's completely up to you. Though, yes, I'm sure I'd find yours entertaining and enjoy reading it. Feel free to ignore the tag though. :-)
Here goes:
1. I don't really see the point of doing this as I've already done the 16 Random Things About Me. I also don't care to put enough thought into this as to ensure that these are new facts, so I won't apologize if there's duplicates. I do hope noone feels shortchanged because of this.
2. I can change the oil, install and remove snow chains, and change any fuse on my car thanks to a great teacher named necessity and another named tightwad.
3. I've played violin for ten years.
4. My full name is Valerie Frances Hazleton. I was named Frances after my mother's mom (yes, my grandmother).
5. I love jigsaw puzzles but considering my personality, I'm always shocked I don't get exasperated with them sooner.
6. I actually enjoy listening to opera, if I'm in the right mood.
7. I've never been to Disneyland, Disneyworld, or the like. I don't think I'd enjoy it if I went.
8. There are one or two Jonas Brothers songs that I actually.... umm... *cough*... like. :-p You can blame my little sister for that.
9. I enjoy being very girly at times. Or frequently. :-)
10. There are veggies that I still don't like that I thought automatically became edible when you reach adulthood. Yeah, mushrooms are still gross. Though, technically, they're a fungus, not a vegetable.... anyways:
11. I've owned a fish, a bird, a rabbit, a cat, and a dog. The cat made sure the dog knew she had seniority, the bird scared the cat, and the fish and rabbit kept to themselves.
12. I've always wanted to be a very refined, mature lady though I will probably never be one.
13. I helped bail hay one summer. It mainly involved "driving" a huge truck through the field years before I was old enough to legally drive... or reach the pedal very well.
14. I prefer manual over automatic.
15. I like gardening.
16. I have two best friends even though, technically, that's not possible. Oh well. Don't tell them.
17. I'm very often intrigued by complex things I don't immediately understand. Rocket science, engineering, chemistry, genetics,... math. :-) Jk
18. At around thirteen years old I decided that I wanted to be 5' 5" and not be stuck at 5' 4". It worked. I just forgot to tell my younger siblings that they were allowed to get stuck at 5' 4".
19. I really like the sub woofer in my car.
20. I've always enjoyed the fact that I can say "I have two sisters and two brothers" (vs. my brothers that have to say "I have one brother and three sisters"). It's balanced.
21. I'm really hurtin' for these last few facts..... I'm tired.
22. Mom trained us to use very good phone skills and we were always told we should get jobs as receptionists. Guess what two of my jobs have been!! :-)
23. I really enjoy working with the high school youth group.
24. I'm halfway through The Shack and am not impressed yet.
25. I'm a night person that tries very hard to be a healthy morning person.