Saturday, February 7, 2009

Name fun

Another facebook timewaster. I wasn't going to do this one (and I actually didn't on facebook) but after reading through it with my own name, some of the answers were so dorky and laughable, I had to put them up.

Valerie Frances Hazleton

2. WITNESS PROTECTION NAME:(mother and fathers middle names)
Celeste Earl

3. NASCAR NAME:(first name of your mother's dad, father's dad)
Lloyd Robert (Then switch that around and you've got my younger brother's name)

4. STAR WARS NAME:(the first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 letters of your first name)

5. DETECTIVE NAME:(favorite color, favorite animal)
Maroon Dog

6. SOAP OPERA NAME:(middle name, town where you were born)
Frances Corvallis

7. SUPERHERO NAME: (2nd fav color, fav drink, add "THE" to the beginning)
The White Breve (That sounds yummy)

8. FLY NAME:(first 2 letters of 1st name, last 2 letters of your last name)

9. STREET NAME:(fav ice cream flavor, fav cookie)
Mint chocolate chip chocolate chip (Hahaha. So uncool.)

10. WAITRESS NAME: (1st pet's name, street you grew up on)
Tinkerbell Goodnight

11. GANGSTA NAME:(first 3 letters of last name plus 'izzle')

13. YOUR IRAQI NAME:(2nd letter of your first name, 3rd letter of your last name, first two letters of your middle name, last two letters of your first name then last three letters of your last name)

14. YOUR GOTH NAME:(black, and the name of one of your pets)
Black Frisky (that was the most un-goth combo, other options are Black Zeba, Black Tinkerbell, or Black Dove)

15. DANCER NAME: (name of your fav perfume/cologne, fav candy)
Happy To Be M&M :-) (also could be Dark Vanilla Thin Mint or Herve Leger Paris Smarties)