Yes, that is me. :-) Our church's youth group did a high school girls overnighter and one of the activities was for six of us leaders to put on disguises and "hide" in stores at the Timberhill shopping center and make the girls find us. I'd decided to do a mild, punk rocker look, but when I actually went to Special Occasions to get a wig, I couldn't decide between two. So, I went ahead and bought both (at $15 each, it wasn't a fortune to put down for some fun). My outfit (mostly pictured above) consisted of a "Vote for Pedro" shirt, my sisters black Converse shoes, navy pants -with my key chain hanging off the pocket, large watch and other colorful wrist accessories, teal nail polish, dark eyeliner, and the black wig pulled into a loose side ponytail with a black newsboy cap. I don't actually have a photo of that whole get up. Ah well. But, after the game was over, we returned to the church and I figured there was no reason why we couldn't get use out of both wigs in one night/event. So I switched to the pink one, and my friend, Joni, put on the black wig (that had actually come as an Ugly Betty wig, complete with glasses and fake braces, but the braces were unusable). Some of the girls didn't even recognize Joni with the whole get up. It was incredibly fun and we played it up for the camera and laughs. It was such a hit that a few of the leaders decided we had to wear them again for the whole youth group, with outfits to play them up. :-) So far, it's a go and we're going to do it. Soon. I'm sure I'l be letting you know how it goes.
I'm having second thoughts about my natural hair color now, though. What do you think, should I switch to pink???
\m/ >.< \m/
Total shock?? Come on, I'm not that much of a stick in the mud that this is totally unexpected. We all knew I'd rebel one day. :-)